Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Nothing But the Truth...from Venezuela!

Writer/Director Rod Lurie has attempts to provide a story that can put hope into the hearts of progressive writers across the globe with a film ripped from the news pages, with a slightly different twist.

In Nothing But the Truth, mainstream journalist Miller (Kate Beckinsale) convinces the world that Venezuela weren't involved in an assassination of the U.S. president, an attack which pre-empted a U.S attack on Caracas by outing a CIA operative within her newsroom. Miller's exposure of a CIA agent drew the ire of a warhawked administration intent on a war with Venezuela. Her decision to withold her source to protect them from the wrath of the United States government resulted in her jailing.

But with restrictive access to films being released in Australia of late (Battle of Seattle, for example), we'll just have to see if it able to gain a release down under anytime soon....

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