Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Cops Arrest Journalists at RNC

The normally dry, photogenic images the Republicans wants you to recieve from their National Convention has been enforced with an iron fist by the National Guard, in St. Paul, Minnesota, these past few days.

Several journalists, including prominant Democracy NOW! host Amy Goodman, two DN producers and an AP photographer have all been detained. All have been released, with pending court cases to fight charges of obstruction for Goodman and felony riot charges for producers Kouddous and Salazar.

It is believed that members of the secret service have also been involved in confiscating media passes of journalists covering the protests.

The I-Witness Collective, who have collected much praise for their work in exposing the wrongdoings of police during protest actions, have had their premises raided, with some equipment being seized. It is only one of the many pre-convention raids to marr the week of protests.

Video of Amy Goodman’s Arrest: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYjyvkR0bGQ
Video of Nicole Salazar’s Arrest: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jreRSEQ_yg

More on Tuesday's edition of Democracy NOW!

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