Thursday, August 21, 2008

Trotsky's Fight for Artistic Revolution

Much can be made of Stalin's propagandisation of literature and art. This history has stained these professions with an anti-communist bias.

But contrary to Stalin's command and control styled bureaucratic state, to support literature and the arts is in no way anti-communist, in any true sense of the word.

In ousting Trotsky from the pages of Russian history, Stalin also was able to destroy the memory of the man responsible for formulating the ideas for a true cultural revolution, which would expand our collective minds to the power of literature and art, as a means of expressing our views and communicating with each other.

But fortunately we need not let Stalin's Pravda, be our own truth. Fighting for revolutionary arts need not limit us, for we and the society at large, have so much to gain from our own expression in the fight for a better world.

Trotsky's Literature and Revolution can be read online here

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